Stainless Steel Glue Spreader
Dave E. (United States) Decent spreaders, but a little on the small side. The large spreader’s edge is not flat (I suspect I just got a bad one) so when I spread glue it’s not even. It has a “bump” in it. I may file the eggs flat, but concerned about removing the chrome finish.
Sergio Iruegas (United States) Indispensable tool! Spreading is so much cleaner, and rinsing stainless steel is effortless. Be prepared to use less glue!
Lynn Julceus (United States) Love how the spreader is easy to use and how beautiful it is lol. Looks clean and durable.
Kimberly Exactly what was described in great condition.
Ivann Natera (Mexico) Easy to use and fast cleaning, with enough practice you'll use less and less glue/cement to cover big areas and this tools also provide precision for small detailed pieces.